To elope, or not to elope. That is the question of the day (year).

Why a wedding is important to me, in priority order:

1. After we get married, I want to feel different. We’ve been living together so long that I’m afraid eloping will just feel like another vacation. I want to go through the ceremony of changing myself into a married woman, into half of a whole.

2. I want John to choose me publicly, in front of everyone he knows and loves, friends and family. I want the ceremony to be public so everyone can see me making my choice, going through the motions of becoming half of the new official us. I want to feel the support of all the people there, empowering me to make this choice and choose this person, and cheering me on as I start a new and exciting phase in my life.

3. I want to walk down the aisle with my dad, and be given away with his approval and consent. I want to wear a veil and a white dress and carry a bouquet.  I want all the little children of my friends and family to run down the aisle in front of me, as a breath of fresh air, fun and energetic and carefree, setting the mood for our marriage and the rest of our lives.

Today might be the day I tell him.

Fun and inspiring lists to make!      Your 100 Things      43 Things

A place to track my goals and progress updates in one place, without having to tote my journal around. I’m pleased and started my first day as a member by borrowing about 9 goals from other people. What….you borrowed goals? C’mon, I want to lose weight, stop procrastinating, drink more water, feel happier, get married, and run a marathon too!

So, how is motherhood? I can’t seem to get married and yet find I’m often wondering where allthe time has gone – I’m 30, which is fine, but… I thought I would be somewhere else by now? I thought I would be the stay at home mom I always planned on being. I thought I would have a few great friends. I thought … I would know more than I know about myself and would not be so challenged to figure out who I am. Challenge is usually so good, but lately it’s been annoying and frustrating, as I am asked the why’s and the why not’s related to career and friends and motivation.

I am no ordinary girl

Instead of…  What makes you happy? What do you want to do? Why does that please your soul? I get more of Why are you so unhappy all the time? Why don’t you want to what I want to do? Why doesn’t this job please you? Are you even pleasable? Do you know how to be happy? Maybe you’re just an unhappy person?

I have to figure out what makes me happy and what makes me feel motivated. What pleases my soul and what fulfills me. I know this isn’t it. But I’m tired of drifing along and trying things on just to find out they don’t fit. Lately I feel a bit like an angsty teenager but with about half the energy and only half the motivation to figure out how to fix it. I feel tired today.

I’m also tired of fighting. We don’t fight the same now because I’m deep into “pick your battles” mode. If I am too tired to fight it out, I have to let it go. I don’t agree with him; I don’t think he’s right. But when I am exhausted so he wins by default. This likely contributes to an unhealthy imbalance of power but what the hell, I’m usually too tired to care.

Which brings me back to – why am I tired? and how can I get excited and remotivated? Today I’m not sure. I think a nap would help get me back to motivatable. Coffee and nap, here I come. When I feel less tired, I’ll think about the happy parts. Until now, I will keep drifting in my careerless pile of discarded job titles and lifestyles that just didn’t fit.

Excellent question . . . excellent book!

always searching for the answer, this book has found me a second time. Only one chapter read so far, but more to come soon.


  • tired from working until 2:00 am, looking forward to the weekend.
  • need to request birthday plans: what is the best thing to do on my 30th birthday? where to go? what would be so fabulous and memorable? relaxing, enjoyable, fun, a weekend to remember? what would I enjoy the most?
  • talked to John today regarding new book (above), the difference between knowing the path you’re on and having no idea where the road under you is going [what road?]. he was receptive, but we had to get back to work. tbc.

Of course I’m not happy, she said to me, but I’ve got a degree in psychology so at least I can explain why.

Story PeopleBrian Andreas


She designed a life she loved! -Kobi Yamada


Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are probably right. -Henry Ford